Pulsing Death
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Pulsing Death

A forum for the faction Pulsing Death

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Rules for the forum.

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1Rules for the forum. Empty Rules for the forum. Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:06 am



1. No Flaming, Bashing, or Assailing other members in any way.

2. Do not post anything linking to inappropriate or illegal material.

- You are forbidden to send people links that pertain to:
* Racism or Prejudice.
* Pornography or Sexually-themed images.
* Numerous pop ups or other disruptive ads.
* Viruses, Spyware, or Malware.
* Products that you are trying to sell.
* Anything that falls within the advertising category, such as (but not limited to): referral links, links to other start-up sites/communities. Youtube links are fine, use common sense.
* Anything deemed offensive to a specific ethnic or religious group.

3. No Spamming or Flooding.

4. Don't Advertise (To an extent. For example, I don't care if you advertise other kongregate games. Just use common sense). The adverts on the forum are unremoveable. Sad

5. English Only

6. Personal Security - don't give out your password to other people.

7. No inappropriate avatars or signatures please.

8. No alts please.

9. Do not share this link with other people outside of the faaction.


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